Friday, 11 December 2009

Unexpectedly Chapter 3: The Breaking Point

Authors Comments on the Chapter:

THE BREAKING POINT! Edward is really there still, even after three months since it happened. Who can blame him - he's still living with the woman!

But he's doing it for Honey...

Speaking of whom, this is what I imagine Honey to look like (but with sharp green eyes):

There's not much else with this story that I can post. We all know what Bella, Rosalie and Edward look like! If I use any songs or have anymore unknown images that people would like visuals for, just tell me and I'll post the nearest thing to it!

Next time in Unexpectedly: Chapter 4: The Spill

Edward decides to pick up the cake for Honey a little bit early. Alice leaves Bella alone again because she thinks Bella needs a guy in her life. Bella gets nervous, of course, when Edward asks her to get the cake down from the top shelf (hence the title of this chapter). But this situation lets the two get to know each other better. We also get a bit more background on Bella.

There will be a teaser when I write it! The next update should be in a week or so.

Thanks for reading! Please feel free to leave any comments, they will be very much appreciated.

Beacoup d'amour, Bondgirl xxx

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