So people wanted to know what Mike was thinking. So I wanted to do a MPOV. Put it all together and what have you got? Bibidy bobidee.... kidding. You have a MPOV.
God dammit! Why couldn't I have been more secretive? I fucking knew that Edward Cullen didn't actually like me - even though every time I had seen him I'd practically licked his ass. This was Tanya's condition of course; she wanted me higher in the social circuit. Did I care for these sort of things? No, but I cared for her body and her sex.
I thought Bella had passed her sell-by-date, to be perfectly honest. Yes, when we were sixteen I can admit that I thought we were 'crazily in love' but that wasn't real. She's a beautiful girl, but we were just so different. She despised of all my going out - but I'm young - why should she give a fuck? She fucking got on my nuts sometimes, and I was sick of it.
It took a while to get to know Tanya - we actually met through the club circuit, firstly with Bella and then when I began to go without her, me and Tanya spent more time together. It started with a drunken dance and then one thing lead to another and well...she's hot. I couldn't help it.
I had to go out more, just to see her. Imagine how chuffed I was when she wanted me back? Yeah, I know Bella's hot too, but you don't know what it's like fucking the same girl over and over again for eight years. And do you know what's worse? Fucking was the main problem. She was always too tired for sex when she came home from work. I knew she shouldn't have taken that job as a school teacher - but even so, after she lost that job she still wouldn't put out. It's not healthy for me.
But when I saw her on that pole, man, I was fucking embarrassed. Bella would never do that, no, never in a million years. I wouldn't have let her! But she was so pissed, my God, she was out of control. And it was all thanks to Edward fucking Cullen, the manipulative shithead. Now Tanya won't even speak to me, because I couldn't keep my eyes off of Bella.
"I saw the way you looked at her," she yelled at me after we had left the club. "You're still in love with her."
"I chose you," I whispered in her ear. I thought I was being seductive but then she slapped me around the face!
"No you didn't! You were still living with her and you refused to move out! I know you said you were with her for the money, but now you don't have any now that she's gone. You're a low life, Mike and I want nothing to do with you."
Fucking bitch. She just walked off and left me on my own! And it's not as if I could have gone back to the apartment - I was sure Bella would kill me if I went back there, and I had had enough violence from Tanya that night. Jeez, I missed Bella already. Had I made a huge mistake? Probably, but I had no strings now, at least.
I was drunk, single and now standing in the streets of New York and it was nearly morning. There was nothing left for me to do except... well, I only had one resort. Most of my friends were really Bella's or otherwise Tanya's 'social circuit' so, there was one thing left to do. I had hit rock bottom. I brought out my cell which had just enough credit to call one person.
"Hey, Mum? It's me, Michael...yeah, it looks like I'm going to need a place to stay...for more than one night..."

Love from Michael x
Hehehe. Bondgirl xxx
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